Sunday, November 27, 2011

A quick flight!

After quite a bit of work, all the elements are together to make the Simulator flyable in a finished state!  This includes finishing the stretching of the screen, hooking up the sound, and most importantly, putting up the block out curtain.  This blocks out all the light making the projector image visible.  It also help keep the cool air in and the hot air out (or the other way round depending on the season).

I finally had the opportunity to sit down and have a fly for an hour or two, and it is a whole lot of fun!  The instruments and screen look great!  The screen is big enough to give a real feeling of immersion, and the controls feel good (though I have set up the air-brake backwards and need to swap it!)

There are still a number of things to do, but this is probably the final milestone before completion!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

End of a long week!

I have been working on the Simulator for all of the past week so have been able to get a lot done.  All the main cladding has now been finished on the ceiling and walls.  The screen has been cut and hemmed ready for mounting with some more insulation behind it.  The LED lighting is up and looking good, and the sound is working.

I also took delivery of the extra ramp.  This extends the length and halves the gradient on the existing ramp, meaning that a wheelchair user can get into and out of the trailer unassisted.  I have demonstrated this below.  I'm sure an actual wheelchair user will do it with rather more skill, but it does prove the point!

The time is getting close when I will be ready to trial the Sim by letting people have a go!  Stay tuned!