Monday, October 24, 2011

Roof panels and hoist rail

The roof panels are all up and so the hoist rail can go in permanently (big thanks to my brother for the help).  I'm very happy with the result.  From now on it will be a lot easier putting in panels since they are on the wall.

I have also had a chance to test the LED lighting which looks great!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Lifting Hoist and Cladding

It has been a while since my last post.  Progress continues with all going well.  With most of the flying aspects of the trailer being close to finished, current work involves cladding and hoist work.

The hoist mounts are now fixed into the roof structure and the hoist rail was able to be put up to test the positioning and function.  The hoist sits out in the open to lift users, and can move to directly over the top of the seat and then off into the corner when not in use.

Once the hoist rail was tested, it had to come out again to allow the cladding to go up.  Not the easiest job, but very necessary to keep the heat from radiating through the roof on those hot days.  Plus it looks great once up, and will cut down on the ambient light in the trailer.  The same will be going onto the walls and will give a much cleaner look, hiding all the cabling and structure.

I'm looking forward to seeing the finished look!